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    Korean students share insights from their Model internship

    Korean students from Halle talk about their internship at Model, their design experience and future plans after their success at Model Young Package.

    Packaging design experience in Opava

    In 2023, a group of students from Korea currently studying at the University of Art and Design Halle secured first place in the Unlimited category of the prestigious Model Young Package competition with their Fold-up Pick-up prototype.

    As part of their prize, Se Hyeon Won, Namju Kim, Kyoungjin Lee, and Hyeonjeong Lim spent three weeks at our Opava plant in the Czech Republic, gaining hands-on experience in large-scale cardboard packaging production and actively participating in our packaging innovation processes for key clients.

    In this interview, we discuss their journey, what stood out to them during the internship, and the story behind their success in the competition.

    Seoul, South Korea / Halle, Germany

    Hyeonjeong Lim, Se Hyeon Won, Namju Kim, Kyoungjin Lee

    • Model Young Package – Unlimited category 2023 winners
    • Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle 
    1. What kind of design do you do and why?

    Se Hyeon: Namju, Kyoungjin, and I currently study industrial design in Halle. This field covers a wide range of products—from small items like smartphones and headphones to larger ones like furniture.

    Hyeonjeong: I study communication design in Halle, which includes typography, photography, illustration, and website design. But I prefer to focus on photography.

    Kyoungjin: I previously studied graphic design in Korea, which is why I’m very interested in packaging design.

    2. What is your experience with packaging design?

    Se Hyeon: Packaging design is a combination of 2D and 3D graphics and modeling. Our prototype Fold-up Pick-up was one of our first experiences working with paper-based packaging. I also have experience designing packaging that combines vacuum sealing systems with styrofoam for electronics during a previous university semester.

    Kyoungjin: I have some experience designing paper packaging for art galleries and shops, including gift sets and souvenirs.

    3. Before I ask you about your internship, I must ask how you managed when Opava was affected by the flooding?

    Se Hyeon: For us, it was unfortunate because we lost a few days of the internship, staying at the hotel until the situation improved. Now, we have to catch up, so we’re working quickly and even making prototypes by hand.

    Still, I was impressed by the quality of the internship and how well people took care of us, despite the difficult situation they were dealing with at home.

    Namju: There was one day when we didn’t have any cellphone signal or battery because the power was out. It was a unique experience to be without technology—just us. It reminded me of childhood, playing cards, board games, and telling stories to each other.

    Kyoungjin: We also had a chance to explore the city, especially in the evening when everything was dark due to the power outage. It was definitely a memorable experience that we’ll keep with us for a long time.

    4. This is your third week of the internship at Model in Opava. Has anything surprised you, either professionally or personally?

    Se Hyeon: The first surprise was the food—it was much better than I expected. We really liked the soups in the Model canteen; some even tasted similar to those we have in Korea.

    Namju: Yes, I was thinking the same. I almost wanted to add rice and make it a full meal! But beyond the food, I was impressed by the warmth of the people. Even when language was a barrier, we found ways to communicate, and everyone was willing to help.

    Se Hyeon: It was nice to see people smile when we greeted them in Czech. The work culture also surprised me. I have interned in Korea before, but it was six days a week and long hours, which often left me exhausted. Here, the balance and working conditions are much better.

    Namju: We also discovered the FEFCO catalog, which was a great help. We used to design everything from scratch, so having a reference point made the process easier.

    Kyoungjin: I was surprised to see some of my favorite brands’ boxes being made here. Watching them come to life was a memorable experience.

    5. What project did you work on during your internship?

    Se Hyeon: I developed a standardized design for job fairs and trade fairs, focusing on modularity and ensuring easy assembly and disassembly for different setups.

    Namju: I designed packaging for cooking pans with several variants, aiming to protect the pans using less material.

    Hyeonjeong: I created a bagel packaging inspired by my experience working in a coffee shop, prioritizing easy handling and packing.

    Kyoungjin: I’m working on a gift set for kombucha that incorporates an unboxing experience.

    6. How do you split the work in your group? Do you have defined roles or just brainstorm together?

    All: It usually happens naturally. We start by sitting together, sketching ideas, sharing feedback, and discussing possibilities. Then, we divide tasks—someone focuses on the concept, another on the construction, while others handle graphics, create prototypes, or take photos.

    7. Let’s go back to last year when you succeeded in the Model Young Package competition. How did you hear about it?

    Se Hyeon: We saw a poster at our university, and it caught the interest of Namju, Kyoungjin, and me. But we realized we needed someone with a graphic design background, so we asked Hyeonjeong if she’d like to join us.

    8. You created two versions of the Fold-up Pick-up. What was your thinking behind the concept, and what are the differences between them?

    Se Hyeon: The main difference is in the briefings. The first design was for glass bottles, while the second was for aluminum cans. The can version is also simpler to assemble and more compact.

    9. Did you receive any recognition after your success in the competition?

    Se Hyeon: We received some comments from friends on Instagram after our photo was posted. Additionally, I was contacted by the German Design Council, who expressed interest in featuring me in one of the nominees for the German Design Newcomer Award.

    9. The theme for next year's Model Young Package is "Sweets in the Box." Do you know if you will participate, and what kind of packaging would you like to design?

    Hyeonjeong: I would like to participate because I find the idea of advent calendars appealing, but I'm still thinking it through.

    Se Hyeon: I'm considering it as well, but I just received my syllabus, and it looks like I’ll have a lot on my plate. The good thing is that we can join as a team again or compete individually.

    11. What are your plans for the future?

    Namju: Since Se Hyeon and I are married, we would like to establish our own design studio and continue living in Europe.

    Hyeonjeong: As I mentioned, I’m interested in photography, so I hope to pursue that and possibly make a living from it here in Europe.

    Kyoungjin: After graduation, I want to stay in Germany for about four or five years before returning to Korea. However, after this internship, I will definitely consider Model as a company where I would like to work.

    The world of packaging has never been so exciting

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