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    Happy birthday!

    Model Young Package 2015

    Winning Concepts

    In 2015, for our 20th birthday, we gifted ourselves the theme of Happy Birthday and were surprised by the hundreds of playful packages, which we have received from you!⁠⁠

    We were absolutely thrilled by the cake from Jakub Klouzek, where matches replace the candles on the cake and mark the age of the one who is celebrating.⁠⁠

    University students and young designers of up to 30 years of age

    Concepts by university students and designers of up to 30 years of age.

    A playful object – a cake is created by the simple application of a match. Matches are contained in package with well-designed graphics. The cake becomes a kind of ‚happening‘ birthday present. The matches placed as candles on the cake can be placed in any position on the lid of the package or just show the age of the birthday person. This work corresponds the most with the competition topic – Happy Birthday. It uses natural materials to supoprt simplicity and clarity.

    This package is perfectly constructed and has the additional function of changing into playing cards after use. The white print on blue cardboard refers to blueprints and the use of folklore graphics and colours supports the purpose of the product and the product itself. Notice the playful element creating a bridge between folk patterns and QR codes.

    The story of this package is bound up with peculiar poetics. It begins when you buy some food and it goes on until the moment when you make your own personal dining experience out of the package at home, like being in a garden or making a connection with somebody close. The food becomes a ritual, a highly aesthetic experience similar to a tea ceremony.

    You can give this sheet of paper as a graphic poster of geometric structures and bending lines or you can create your own object from it or you can wrap a gift in it. This paper product is of a high professional level. Besides the product professionalism, the idea of the creative involvement of the birthday person is interesting, and this moment becomes the finisher of the three-dimensional paper object.

    This paper package is also a map that tells the birthday person where he will find his present. Everyone has a hidden desire for adventure and alcohol is also a common birthday gift. When these two elements are combined, receiving a gift becomes an adventure game. The package has excellent graphics and form, the overall idea is playful and that belongs to the Happy Birthday topic. Thanks to this, the package gained our fondness from the first time we saw it.

    High schools

    Concepts by students of secondary and tertiary schools from 15 years of age.

    A package designed for a mountain climber which celebrates the anniversary of the Matterhorn ascent and corresponds to the Happy Birthday topic. The successful stylisation of a rock formation perfectly captures the tension between the ergonomic shape of the product and the geometric shape of the package. The graphics support the readability of the mountain range theme.

    The amorphous shape corresponds exactly to the function, the recycled material made via a special paper-making technology which also corresponds to the day that the package celebrates. The package captures the cycle of the material that is parallel to the cycle of nature. The package should serve as a promotional item that would be handed out on April 22 – Earth Day. The stage is set for you to grow your own tree.

    This package is attractive mainly for its conceptually conceived graphics, which follow the structure of a nutshell. Cutting through a nut creates interesting geometric patterns of repetition and mirroring. These shapes serve as a basis for a functional package based on origami – without using adhesive, it is structurally simple.

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    Model Young Package